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Move On (w/ Hook) Beat Thumbnail

Move On (w/ Hook)

Beat Info: “Move On (w/ Hook)”
135 BPM. Move On beat with hook by Nate.

Hook Lyrics: And when I close my eyes, I see your face all night, no matter what I try, it’s all these feelings I can’t fight. I’m gonna let you go, so you can move on, I’m gonna let you go, even if I don’t.
135 BPM. Move On beat with hook by Nate. Lyrics
Lyrics for “Move On (w/ Hook)”
And when I close my eyes, I see your face all night, no matter what I try, it’s all these feelings I can’t fight. I’m gonna let you go, so you can move on, I’m gonna let you go, even if I don’t.
with hook