If you use one of our beats you must give credit to us by providing a link back to our website www.RockItPro.com
Beats downloaded from RockItPro.com are in low quality mp3 format, contain vocal protection tags, and are limited to non-profit, demo purposes only. To get clear, professional wav file quality without any vocal tags and to use the beat for profitable purposes you must first buy a license. Visit the Licensing page for info on our licensing options or browse over 500 Rap Beats and purchase a license today.We’ve set our licensing prices at low, reasonable rates so that anyone serious with their music can afford to buy beats and release their songs commercial the right way. Starting at only $24.99 you can buy one of our rap beats, r&b beats, or beats with hooks and you’re legally covered to sell your album, perform live shows, and have your song played on the radio.
Using Beats Without A License After you’ve downloaded a beat from RockItPro.com and recorded a song to it, you’re probably wondering what you can and can’t do with your recorded song. Here are some guidelines to follow.
What You Can Do:
- You can post the song on your personal website or a community website like Soundcloud, Facebook, Soundclick, etc. where people can listen and download your song for free (you must give us credit for the beat by linking back to our website www.rockitpro.com).
- You can use your song or our beats in your YouTube video as background music (limited to 1000 video views) as long as you’re not making any money from the video (with ads or through YouTube’s partner program) and credit must be given to us in the video info box (Beat by www.rockitpro.com)
- You can put your song on a demo/promotional CD or mixtape you will be handing out for free (100 physical copies/downloads allowed).
- You can put our beats onto a CD/USB for listening and freestyling.
- You can’t upload your song through a distribution company like DistroKid, TuneCore, CD Baby, etc. or put your song on sites like iTunes, Spotify, Apple Music, etc.
- You can’t sell your recorded song for any type of monetary gain, this includes selling internet downloads, even for $1 each.
- You can’t sell your recorded song just to cover expenses, no matter how small the expenses were.
- No performing with our beats at live shows or concerts, even if it’s a non-profitable or charitable event.
- No radio play with your recorded song.
- Do not post our beats on any website without your vocals over the beat.